We have a list of recommended caterers who offer everything from pie and mash or afternoon teas, to fine dining, sharing platters and BBQs.
We ask that you please use one of our recommended caterers, and can happily share this list with you. Just email us at enquiries@thirsklodgebarns.com for more information.
For weddings; we ask that you have a ‘Wedding Breakfast’; and then offer something smaller in the evening, street food trucks are a popular choice, as guests get hungry with so much dancing! It is important to have the Wedding Breakfast to help structure the day, give guests a chance to sit down, and also to fill them up ahead of the evening reception.
Please note that we do not allow buffets.
We provide all of the drinks at Thirsk Lodge Barns; and before each event we will talk through drinks options with you.
For weddings, it is recommended that some drinks are pre-purchased for the drinks reception after your ceremony and for the Wedding Breakfast. The bar will be open for guests to purchase further drinks throughout the day, and you are welcome to arrange a bar tab as well should you wish.
If you would like a copy of our pre-order drinks list then please do get in touch, enquiries@thirsklodgebarns.com.
We have our own bar team. Depending on the size of your event, we will arrange the number of staff required for a smooth running of your drinks throughout the day.
Our bar team are included in the Barn Hire Price.
Please find a copy of our current ‘on the day’ bar prices below.